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Written & Directed by JARRET LIOTTA
SMALL TOWN MOVIE --- a dark satire that tries to make sense --- or NONsense --- of Racism, Gun Violence & the Cancel Culture in modern society ...

"Everyone who reads this script tells me how timely it is, and how it's going to get a lot of people laughing ... or furious, depending on their mood that day," Jarret said.

"But the true intention is to poke fun at everyone equally, regardless of their social or political views," he said. "Hopefully it provides a minor epiphany for everyone -- about themselves and the comical world in which we live."

The film stars Josh Hyman, Nya Sanaa, Frank Muni, Olivia Vitarelli, Johnny Zito, Greg Mays & Scotty Cole.

"SMALL TOWN MOVIE" also features two amazing original songs -- "Mama I Hate to See Your Spirit Fade" by Tom Shaner, and "Space Instead" by Margot Liotta.
STM Poster (smaller).jpg
Images by Liam Hanley & Corrina Palarino
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